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Adult Rape Clinic (ARC) Refurbishment

Parirenyatwa Hospital, Harare 


The project was undertaken by K.U.K Alliance to refurbish the waiting room for the ARC clinic to make it more private and survivor-friendly. We understood the ordeal that the survivors  go through and we wanted to create an inviting place where they will not only find the professional help they need, but feel welcome and safe to walk into.

With your donations, we raised £1,018 which enabled us to replace the flooring, purchase new hardwood and more durable chairs, install a security gate, purchase ornaments, a bookshelf and books. 

Background of ARC

ARC provides care, support, training and advocacy to sexual assault and rape survivors (both male and female) in Zimbabwe. Due to lack of a specialised dedicated service, inadequate management, and inadequate training of health personnel, the survivors often suffer long delays and medical affidavits are completed improperly compromising the court process.

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