About Us
We are a group of young Zimbabweans that are determined to change the narrative through education; health and empowering individuals. The acronym K.U.K stands for “kudzidza - learning”; “utano - health” and “kuvaka - empowerment”
We came together because we collectively felt that involvement in projects aimed at the regeneration of Zimbabwe are undoubtedly crucial. Being in the diaspora magnifies that need even further; Zimbabwe like many other African nations has suffered from “brain drain”. Zimbabweans have always taken pride in possessing high literacy rates which were marvelled at by other nations.
Our passion is to create and foster an environment that encourages enterprise and empowerment. Our part in this process alongside many others that are striving to make a difference for the next generation is to ensure that we do not let this vicious cycle continue.
We have to actively search for avenues to make a difference, igniting challenging conversations with our peers and to be accountable for Zimbabwe’s future.
We aim to partner with small organisations around the globe that are committed to regenerating Zimbabwe.
We are keen on working with smaller charities or groups that are not immediately known to the public as we feel that the proceeds raised can be better channeled into our approved projects and ensure that we keep in line with our objectives.